More than 750'000 RINGPENS sold worldwide yet (by December' 2006) and 1'200'000 spare refills to them. 





"Children should be exposed to the hand position best suited to relaxed writing by the use of the RING PEN at the start of their writing experience. An incorrect writing position will prove a burden to children as it can and does cause sore fingers, stiff wrists and even tired and fatigued hands. Prolonged poor hand writing positions slow up writing as the hand quickly tires. Children with poor writing positions do badly at examinations, and don't enjoy writing at all, which can seriously affect their choice of careers. The RING PEN can ONLY be used in the most relaxed and correct writing position. Dont leave your child's writing enjoyment and skills to chance!

...I have provided one of those that you sent me for a patient who had his amputated hand replanted successfully here.
He is at an early stage of recovering some useful function of his hands and eventually his fingers, but now, with little function or grip with his finger to his thumb, he may be able to write far earlier than he otherwise could. I therefore will recommend your Ring Pen to the Hand Surgeons  in our Journals.

I have already placed the 'presentation' Ring Pen in our showcase of instruments in our Microsurgery Center, which gets lots of visitors, and it gets a lot of interest.

One of the  pens you provided is being tested with a young girl with a writing problem at school where she was not noticed to have a real writing difficulty due to poor hand pen holding technique  until the later school  years and intensive study caused severe pains and distress.

There is no doubt that the idea is First Class,  its Practical,  it Works, and the idea has many other uses, not the least is in the field of Surgery.

My patients and I can recommend the Ring Pen as an easy to use help to arthritics and other finger disabled people who cannot grip a normal pen without  difficulty or pain. The design is simplicity itself, and makes writing for long periods accessible again for those with multiple finger problems

… I am testing everyone who walks into my rooms to see how universal is the acceptance of the Ring Pen whether they need one or not. The good news is that EVERYONE who slips the Ring Pen over their finger and holds it remarks on what a good idea it is, and that they would buy one or more if they had a writing problem, or as a present for someone who had".

Professor Earl Owen, Australia
A.O., M.B.,  B.S.  (Uni of Syd),  M.D.(Lyon),  D.Sc, P.I.C.S.,  F.R.A.C.S.,  F.R.C.S.E.,  F.R.C.S.

World's First Scientific Successful Hand Transplant: Professor Owen led the first hand transplantation team in Lyon France, September 1998. Seen below in six month follow up April 1999. At one year follow up, Clint Hallam uses his hand in daily life, can feel all fingertips and, would you believe, rides a motorbike!

Professor Earl Owen was elected the World President of the International College of Surgeons (headquarters in Chicago, USA, with Fellows in 110 countries) a very busy position commenced in 1996. He is Professor at Macquarie University in Sydney. He has been Medical Director of the Microsearch Foundation of Australia since its beginning in 1973 and the expanded MICROSEARCH building houses the Institute of Medical Sciences of both the University and the International College of Surgeons, and is home to the Sydney Microsurgery Centre. )


Arthritis Foundation: favorable review for the Ring Pen.

see NEWS from Arthritis Foundation.
Arthritis affects one in seven Americans
Arthritis Foundation favorably reviews products. ....

AFA web site: 


 People are writing for the first in years. We are amazed at the 'Ring-Pen'.

J.T. of NJ (Therapist)

My practice as a family physician has me writing all day long.  I find the ring-pen comfortable and with the new neck lanyard you sent it is always right where I need it.  Thanks!  

D.P - San Francisco

I have way too much chart work all day as a doctor -- sometimes more than a half dozen separate forms per patient -- my stress relief is to play my guitar at night but with traditional pens, my index finger is so sore after a long day that I find it difficult to flat pick my guitar -- using the ringpen completely resolved the problem in one day (when I lost the pen, the problem came back in less than a week) -- my daughter took her new one to school today so she can write with her cast on after breaking her dominant forearm last week -- I took my new one to work today and am already feeling the benefit.

Thomas J. Leytham, M.D., Texas, USA


Tests in Rheuma-Kinderklinik

"Our occupational therapists have tested and still are testing the Ring Pens in several children with arthritis. For the smaller children the Ring Pen is not very useful, because it is too wide. (Remark: they were testing M-sized pen only. S pens are also now in markets). But from 12 to 13 years on the patients really like to use it. It takes stress from the joints - esp. the mcp and ip of the thumb. For patients wearing splints for the stability of their wrists, Ring Pen is easy to handle and useful. This is the first impression that our occupational therapists reported to me. Thank you once again for the samples.

Sincerely yours
Dr. St.v.Koskull

Dr. Stephan von Koskull
Gehfeldstrasse 24
D-82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen


"Thank you very much for the sample of Ring-Pens that you sent. I plan to use them as a demonstration at various ergonomic classes and presentations that I make around the country. Good luck on your commercial venture"

Donald S. Bloswick, Ph.D., P.E., CPE
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Director, Ergonomics and Safety Program
Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health
University of Utah, Ergonomics & Safety Office
3209 MEB Salt Lake City, UT 84112



Received Letter from President Bill Clinton on Ring Pen.


Ring Pens in Israel. Received Letter of President of Israel on the Ring Pen.




" I am so EXCITED !

Today I received the Ring-Pen and right away I went to the Lakeshore Mall where I demonstrated the Ring-Pen and let the people use it. Here are some of the results and everyone wanted to buy one right away!

Pat Wright
Mori Luggage & Gifts .....

Comment: Ohh ! great ! can I buy one ? As a sales person I have to write alot and my thumb hurts all the time, the Ring-Pen is what I need !

Billie Loose
Mori Luggage & Gifts 

Comments: Really Great-no stress! can I buy one $7.95 is worth it!

John Martin
Sunglass Hut 

Comments: very functional ! Incredibly comfortable to hold! I broke
my hand a year ago & this would have made rehab much easier.

Misty Jones
Gainesville GA. 30501

Comment: Fells great ! This is neat!

Sally Musse
Brenau University
Gainesville, GA. 30501

Comment: It is wonderful

Hannah Cartz
Gainesville GA. 30501

Comment: Cool!

A very elderly lady told me that her daughter has to write out
checks for her and if she had a Ring-Pen , she could do it herself.
This encounter made me feel very good, like this was a saving solution
for this elderly persons arthritis problems. the lady was very happy
I showed her the Ring-Pen.

These are just a few reactions I received.

As you stated, nothing compares with holding the Ring-Pen and demonstrating it. You surely have designed a winner !"

Edward Willard,
Atlanta, GA




"This is the first letter I have been able to write in several years!
Thank you for helping out and for creating a writing instrument I can use"

Attorney from Chicago
(for several years he has had a disease that has prevented him from writing. He ordered the Ring-Pen. And now he can write again)


"Hello I have a son who is in first grade who has a disability of his upper extremities and this is the first writing instrument he has been able to use without the assistance of his knee for support. Does your company manufacture a pencil or other writing instruments with the same design or are you planning to in the future?".

Joan Dubois Sharon, CT (she bought the Ring-Pen through a medical catalog).


"I live in the southeast portion of the USA and I have CTS, a friend gave me her ring pen but it has run out of ink and I would like to be able to purchase a replacement pen. I will be having surgery for CTS and would like to prevent it's recurrence."

Bonnie Hudon


"Ringpen sounds like a WINNER ! "

President, Eyecatcher Gifts


Monica R., California:

* Before ordering:
" Is the Ring Pen useful for preventing pain for someone who already has DeQuervain's Stenosing Tenosynovitis? My wrists (especially the base of the thumb) hurt a lot, and I was wondering if the Ring Pen would help me to have less pain when I write.

I live in Los Angeles, California, and I would like to know if there is somewhere in the area where I can buy a Ring Pen. I know I can call you to buy one, or I can buy one online, but it would really be nice to try it before I buy it.

If I order from you and don't like the pen, what is your return policy?"

*After ordering:

"I recently bought some Ring Pens. I am still getting used to writing with it, but so far the pen seems pretty good (comfortable)"

"I am impressed by your company's service. The phone representatives were very friendly and helpful (I had talked to several of them, because I called several times before ordering the pens). I received my pens only a few days after I ordered them. I look forward to doing business with you again in the future, and I look forward to receiving the new products."

Monica R., CA

*Afer 2 months of using:

" I enjoy using the pens" 
Monica R., CA


" I am unable to locate a local distributor for the Ring Pen, I need to purchase one ASAP. I have CTS and need surgery"

B. Hudon


"I have ordered the ring pen from QVC (ref: Biggest world TV shop), but I would like to know about the refills because I am ordering it for my father-in-law and would like to keep him supplied with refills without having to go through QVC and buying new pens again...he can only use so many pens, but will need refills frequently.....Thank you for the information. This is a wonderful idea for people with arthritis, (or without !)"

Sally Wilson
Hermitage, TN 37076


"Please give me information on where I can get the ring pen and ring pencil.
I have carpal tunnel and cannot hold a pen to write even 1 page. A customer came into the bookstore where I work and had a ring pen. Someone had given it to her as a gift and she did not know where to buy one. I have been searching and finally saw your ad in "Personal Journaling" magazine. Please let me know where I can get one."

Wanda Woods
Brownstown, MI 48183


"Please send me information on ordering a ring pen and pencil - I have arthritis and would LOVE to be able to write more efficiently."

Janet M. Jackson, Hopedale, IL


"This is an interesting product. The pen has a unique hi-tech look. We market to a fairly large Spinal Cord Injury Market. Some of these patients do not have grip strength in their hands. It appears that the pen can be used without really gripping it".

John Lomnicki, American TeleCare


"Please email me and let me know where I can order a Ring Pen. My wife is a RN and she is having a lot of pain with all the writing she has to do and we think this may help her"

David Martin
Mansfield, AR 72944


"I have mentioned Ring Pens to many people and it always made people very interested when they saw mine. I will have to buy some more of them because my daughter likes them and has worn them out".

Paul Marxhausen

University of Nebraska
Lincoln  (Paul Marxhausen's Internet web site is more visited and large site for RSI problems)


"The pens are a pleasure to write with!
I will be demonstrating and explaining about the Ring-Pen when I teach individuals/groups how to improve their handwriting"

Kate Gladstone,
Handwriting Repair
Albany, NY 12208-1731


Interesting pen design. It would seem to solve a major problem that people have been ignoring for the last several hundred years"

Bruce Tognazzini ("Tog")

Bruce "Tog" Tognazzini is a principal with the Nielsen Norman Group, the firm specializing in human-computer interaction. Tog was lead designer at WebMD, the super-vertical start-up founded in February, 1996 by Jim Clark, founder of Silicon Graphics and Netscape. Before that, Tog was Distinguished Engineer for Strategic Technology at Sun. During his 14 years at Apple Computer, he founded the Apple Human Interface Group and acted as Apple's Human Interface Evangelist.
He has consulted on design for such companies as: Adobe, Apple, AT&T, BBC, Microsoft, Kodak, etc.


I recently tried using your ring pen as a writing aid.  I have a tremor which causes my hands to shake making writing difficult and illegible.  Using the ring pen steadies my hand enough that my writing is now legible.  I would like to purchase additional pens

--Mrs. D., Hemet, CA


Our retirement community is excited about the 'Ring Pen'. Many of my friends are writing their Grandchildren for the first time in several years. Thank You 'Ring-Pen'.

L.Z. of Fla (Senior Citizen)


  I love the 'Ring Pen'. It never leaves my hand. I just turn it on my finger and use my keyboard."

M.M. of Ohio (Shop owner)


My hand would ache and it was difficult to write, now I take notes for hours using the 'Ring-Pen'.

E.C. of TX (College student)


FROM NURSES, MANAGERS and those who write a lot... 

I would just like to say that I am a nurse and love my job.  however over the past few years I have begun to hate going to work due to documentation that it require and it was the most difficult for me. My daughter found the ring pen for me in a magazine and it has been a blessing. 

E. R. West, Ms.


As a nurse I write a lot and I find the Ring-Pen reduces finger cramping and seems much more natural.  No more regular pens for me.  

J.S Miami, FL


 Your pen has been a Godsend to me.  I've had increased difficulties over the last year with arthritis in my hands & shoulders.  I'm a Case Manager working for a mental health facility in T., K. and like the RN's and many others, I'm required to write a progress note on each client seen on a daily basis. I purchased my pen at an Osco Drugstore in T. ....  Again thank you for a wonderful product and I am interested in more information on selling this product.

T. D.


Where can I purchase your Pen Ring?  I think its the answer to my prayers, I have dystonia and capral tunnel in my right hand and writing is just about impossible....

Sh. C.


Writing with the No grip ring pen is fabulous! I think you will have a permanent client for the future: me!

D. Poulin, Canada 


Tried the Ring-Pen and found it comfortable.  I really like the new colors.  

B.R. Austin, TX


I got one of these, and it really is cool, especially for multitasking. And I'm not even arthritic.

Definitely cool when you have to write a lot in school.



I use your ringpen in my office daily and the other in my kitchen near the phone. .... I have arthritis in my wrists and it has been a lifesaver. ... I just used up the last two refills of blue ink. Where can I buy more refills and what colors do they come in??? 

Nancy M. 


I have MS and trouble writing due to the poor muscle strength in my hand. I was given a Ring Pen for Xmas which has really transformed my writing. I'm in the UK (Scotland) and would like to know if you have a contact name for refills/pens etc., 

Ross C.


I live in Spotsylvania County Virginia and the last time I wrote, there
was no distributor close to us that carried the ring pen. I very much need to order 3 more pens and 3 packs of refills. I do not believe I would be able to work is it were not for this marvelous pen. I have to do a lot of writing and it is too uncomfortable to write with a reguler pen.

Nancy Y.


I work for an organization that is mainly concerned with ensuring that disabled people are able to access computers. We frequently work with people with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and various other upper limb problems, and find ourselves suggesting ways of coping with other activities such as writing. 
I have recently been trying the ringpen, and love it. I am suggesting that many of our clients try it. ...

Kind regards,

L. T., UK 


I have writter's cramp dystonia and can only write with your pen, without losing it out of my hand all together. I would like to order some for my friends too. I need them in black ink. I am a nurse and work in surgery. What a wonderful help they are too me. I can write much more legibly. I live in Atlanta. Thank You



As a doctor who sees a lot of CTS, I think your pen is fantastic. I've tried the [...], [...], [...], and [...]Again (very similar to the Ring Pen). The Ring Pen is the best. ...
D. C., MD, USA 


 I have way too much chart work all day as a doctor -- sometimes more than a half dozen separate forms per patient -- my stress relief is to play my guitar at night but with traditional pens, my index finger is so sore after a long day that I find it difficult to flat pick my guitar -- using the ringpen completely resolved the problem in one day (when I lost the pen, the problem came back in less than a week) -- my daughter took her new one to school today so she can write with her cast on after breaking her dominant forearm last week -- I took my new one to work today and am already feeling the benefit.

Thomas J. Leytham, M.D., Texas, USA


Emily was just introduced to your very cool product yesterday during her Bureau for Vocational Rehabilitation evaluations here in Dayton, Ohio. Your product is amazing!   Emily just turned 18 and is now signing all of her documents!  Emily's fine motor skills are very limited and yesterday she just signed her name fast and as neatly as could be....all her letters were very clean and identifiable.  The timing of discovery of your "ring pen" is priceless in Emily's life.
Emily is very active as a senior at West Carrollton high school, at our church, and is taking two college courses at the University of Dayton under the PSEO or Post Secondary Education Option.  Emily in essence has already started college as the UD class credits will transfer fully to CU! Emily, has been accepted at Cedarville University for the Fall of 2007.

Meet Emily on her website created by Dad at:

and others....

send us your comments, if you use ringpens yet!


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