"It's such a little thing, but my grandmother greatly valued the ring pen I bought her. She couldn't write with anything else and cherished being able to write in her journal and letters to friends"- Sangre Azul

"I love the ringpen. That has to be one of the most useful and life-changing ideas I've seen in a long time".

from http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/8057


* Designed to fit the human hand - helps prevent writer's cramp and eases the pain of Arthritis ["I use your ringpen..."]
* No more gripping with three fingers [compare with ordinary pen]
* No more calluses on the middle finger, and all your fingers are absolutely relaxed!
* Futuristic and awarded design
* Reduces fatigue while writing and renders your writing more rapid and even
* Perfect for anyone who writes: students, teachers, secretaries, office workers, accountants, etc.
* Excellent for children with poor fine motor control

You write a lot?! - Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome writing with RINGPEN and avoid such CTS release! (click to see)


If you write frequently and for extended periods of time with regular pens you likely have developed a callous or blister on your middle finger. Ask most students and journalists and they will tell how their hand hurts and grows numb after frenetic or continuous writing. Ask the older demographics in society and many will tell you how difficult it is to hold the pen while writing. The joints ache and the flexibility of fingers is reduced as one gets older. The effects of this are that the act of writing is increasingly difficult and the quality of the handwriting steadily worsens.. 

Whenever a person writes, types on a keyboard, or engraves or cuts with a knife for an extended period of time, this can lead to injury. When work activities or hobbies require repetitive wrist or finger motion, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Writer's cramp) can occur.

In today's modern post-industrial society, the potential for developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome exists in many everyday work and leisure activities. It is estimated that as many as 25% of all individuals whose professions require extensive writing activity (students, secretaries, bookkeepers, etc.) could have some form of CTS and those estimates could increase to 50% by the year 2005.  
Most only deal with the symptoms after the condition has already established itself. Only 23% of all carpal tunnel patients are able to return to their profession following surgery, and 36% of all carpal tunnel patients need unlimited medical treatment.

* video of Carpal Tunnel Injection *

CTS is a debilitating disease that is capable of producing intense and ongoing pain to the individual.  Also known as tardy median nerve palsy, CTS is a mechanical malfunction of the hand and wrist, stemming from repetitive movement that shortens the size of the thenar muscles in the hand and wrist. This shortening of the thenar muscles causes CTS because it puts adverse stress on the median nerve.


How does this condition make itself felt? In the beginning, one feels numbness and tingling in the hands, a sensation similar to hitting one's funny bone, except the pain isn't temporary. Not only is the pain constant, but it gets progressively worse. At the onset the pain increases only marginally, with occasional flare-ups which may awaken the individual at night. Then, without an abatement of the cause, both the frequency and the intensity of the pain will increase. The pain continues to progress until one is ultimately unable to move the wrists.


Is it possible to avoid CTS or prevent its onset in old age?

Yes it is. If one eliminates the need to squeeze a pen while writing, there is no static finger muscle tension, and writing will no longer be a cause of CTS.

Is it possible to make the writing process fast and easy and still have a stable comfortable placement of the pen in the hand?

Yes, it is. If the center of gravity of the pen coincides with the point of support, minimal force and effort is required to control it.

And is it possible to join all these features in one writing device?

Yes, it is. All these features are in the Ring Pen!


Ordinary cylindrical pen:
Design that has existed since 4000 B.C.
New approach in history
Increased Risk
Carpal Tunnel
No Risk
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome




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